What do we do?

Brand Consultancy Services
 It is about taking a look at where are you now and where you would like to be. Using our four stages: Brand perception audit, Brand strategy development, Brand design expression and Brand implementation management, we can devise a plan to help you reach your goal.

Marketing Services
Get yourself known! Our marketing services includes: SEO, SEM, social media & DM/EDM marketing campaigns

Design Services 
We provide advertising & publishing solutions that includes designing of your collaterals, print design, corporate gifts, etc.

Website Design & Development 
From affordable pre-designed templates to highly creative solution

Other Services 
Event Support, Sticker Label Solutions, etc.

Who are we?

In design and brand building, details are important. Especially if you are chasing after a professional outlook. At Chen & Chin, even though we understand and uphold this value, we are not exactly Obsessive and Compulsive Dictators. We do know how to loosen up and have some booze after office hours.

In fact, we have a baseballer, a scout and 
an Agent Carter (not literally) here in Chen & Chin.

How do we make this rright?

What your mind can conceive, we believe and achieve.  For every project that we take up in Chen & Chin, we understand the need for precision and will treat each project care. We pledge to:

Analyse. It could be an idea for name cards, or a complex system that would even take months to complete. We listen to your grand scheme and craft the blueprint together.

Define. What does success look like? A careful defined outcome is not merely an output. Therefore, we define your concept and act on everything base on this concept.

Design. After the solidifying your concept, we would need to execute the idea. This is an exciting time for us and we are sure for you too as you would see everything coming to play including your name cards, websites even gifts, if you would like to.